sqlite_database.signature module


class sqlite_database.signature.Signature(value: Any = null, operator: str | None = None, data: tuple[int, int] | str | None = None, negate=False)[source]

Bases: object

This class is used at most filter parameters at Table class.

You can use variable op (operator) to do all conditional logic or operator. There are ==, <=, <, !=, >, and >=

.negate() adds ‘not’ to the operator, so from == would equal to != when used with .negate()

.like() only search for alike characters. Please refer to sqlite like command.

.between() is a ranging operator, there’s low and high value.

Example of everything:
>>> op == 5
>>> op <= 2
>>> op < 2
>>> op != 5
>>> op > 7
>>> op >= 7
>>> op.like('Ar%')
>>> op.like('Ar_')
>>>op.between(1, 10)

You can now use function from :operators:

between(low: int, high: int)[source]


property data

Generate operator string

property is_between

Is operator between

property is_like

Is operator like

property kind_sign

Signature kind

like(str_condition: str)[source]



Negate or adding NOT

property negated

Is negated

property normal_operator

Is it normal?

property value